Monday, May 19, 2008

Handicapping Websites

Wow! After recently deciding to publish a site on the web to market my services, I have notice while checking out the competition, that most of these "handicapping" sites are just a ripoff. I have read reviews on the different cappers and their sites, and it seems that 85% of what I read was negative. Why go through the trouble of handicapping games if all you care about is marketing and B.S. to sell your picks? Hmmm..maybe that is the problem, some of these "handicappers" do not even bother to actually provide the service that they advertise, they just try to market their name or theme, and hope for the best as far as picking games or horses for their customers.

I have worked in a non-related industry in recent years. It is a service-based type of business in which you market your products and services to people and businesses, hoping to keep them as customers long term. Why go through the effort of getting customers, only to provide shoddy service, lose them and the income that they provide and have them leave unhappy and remorseful?

There are some sites out there that have a place for people to go in and post reviews. Why would you risk the chance of being labled a ripoff "service"?

Why not just provide the best possible service that you can at an affordable price and build a large clientele? I would rather have 200 happy customers at a low price than 20 unhappy customers at a ridiculous price who will just leave anyway and possibly spread the word about you online and by word of mouth.

All you can do is to try and put your best effort forth when handicapping. The customer should realize that the idea is to win money over the long run and not what happened yesterday or last week. I think that a handicapping service could have a long and profitable life in business if they just followed that theory instead of just trying to "get their money" and move on to the next "live one".

My, is still under construction, I will be concentrating on that over the coming weeks, but will still try to post a free selection here once in awhile.

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